Day 764: Monday Roughness

It’s been rough.

I have been binging like a boss today. Frankly, I’m having issues with binging more now than I ever have. I pretty much ate an entire bag of chips on my own today and a bag of popped chips this weekend. It’s been really hard to keep that under control. I knew that this was going to be an issue. I’ve read that your body, in a way, rejects your weight loss when you’ve lost a large amount. This is why it gets harder to lose weight. For me, the issue is that I look at how much more I have to climb up Mt. Fitintoskinnyjeans and I get frustrated/scared/excited/crazy. I know I don’t want to stay where I am, but I know that I need to keep eating well and exercising no matter if the scale doesn’t move at weigh in. On the other hand, I don’t want to become complacent, because no matter how happy I am where I’m at right now, I’m still categorized as obese.

So I’ve been dealing with a lot of uncertainty and confusion lately and I’m finally figuring out what my issue is (by writing it out here on él blõgo). I think that it started when I laid out a list of weight loss rewards that became kind of discouraging. The ultimate one was a new computer when I lost 50% of my weight (178.5) which I have a high hopes for when that is but I have to be real with when that will actually happen. The issue is with The Biggest Loser is that we see the weight loss journey as a race and a competition. I was reading a friends facebook page who has just reached her weight loss goal (congrats Brooke: Not On A Diet!) and someone asked her how long it took. When she told them four years, they said “Really? It too THAT long?” To which she replied “Yes, I’m not in a hurry to end this journey because I’m in this for life. Besides, slow and steady wins the race.” I think she absolutely has it right. I know that if I just keep at it, it will all come in time. I’m going to be persistent.

With all of that being said, I’m going to start looking at this journey in chunks: a few pounds at a time. I might not break 200 by the end of this year…or I might! It might take me some time, but it’s going to happen. I’m going to keep counting points, going to keep training for my half marathon in February and I’m going to start strength training to try to tighten my loose skin.

Game time. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.

P.S. tomorrow’s weigh in is going to be ugly. Time to be better.

0 thoughts on “Day 764: Monday Roughness

  1. I ate 7 Reese’s cups last night after running, ouch.

    You lost 125 pounds! It is okay to give in every once in a while, as your body needs to adjust to a new equilibrium.

    On my new blog I put way distant goals. You can lose weight without food. You are training for a half marathon…any weight gain could be muscles and your body sometimes needs junk food!!!

    • There is a difference between indulging (like at the Food and Wine festival this weekend at Disney) and binging (eating an entire bag of chips in one sitting). It’s okay to indulge if you have the points or the calories, but when it becomes a habit you need to re-evaluate some things. Also, my weight gain right now is not muscle, I can feel myself getting soft since I haven’t been in the gym in a while lol.

      I get what you’re saying James, but that’s just not the case for me. If I have fruits and veggies in the house, I’ll snack on those, but when we run out, it gets dangerous lol.

      Everyone is different, people deal with different triggers too. Some people also have different weight loss philosophies too, such as I believe that I can’t lose weight without food because I had tried that numerous times when we lived in Abilene, but you believe that’s not the case. And that’s absolutely fine. Weight loss is very personalized. We all tend to forget that sometimes.

      Keep up the awesome work yo!

      • I whole heartedly agree. My stance when I started was to exercise and as my body started becoming healthier I would eat better, and it is slowly starting…like I asked my fiancée for 1% milk instead of 2, more Gatorade and water over pop.

        I make a conscious effort to exercise on a set routine. I am scared if I fall behind like I have in Russian class, all that work would be wasted and have to start over…that has been the past issue. If you gain this week, I know you will work even harder to lose weight and eat better.

        I think by Dec 31 2013 you can be below 200 pounds. I am rooting for you!

      • I need to start back and you keep up the awesome work.

        I was more doing a kick in the back at moe’s. When I was tracking calories and such my double steak with cheese burrito was very surprising in health and tastes great! Everyone was raving about the new Moe’s, I had never tried it and for the same thing spent $4 more and honestly I thought it tasted bad.

        I have become a smarter eater though!