If you aren’t watching the 121212 concert, YOU ARE A FOOL! PRetty epic stuff.
So I haven’t been on here in a while…well a week…which is pretty long for this Fotographing Fat Kid. Frankly, I’ve been pretty bummed. Mostly just about weight loss. I’ve been looking in the mirror and for the first time in a while just not liking what I see. I just feel flabby. My clothes fit the same, but I feel and look softer than I did when I was training and hitting the gym. (SOOOOOO READY TO HIT THE GYM!!!!) If you have gone through that, you know how frustrating that can be. It felt I was still where I was a few years ago. It felt like I was back to square one.
That all changed today…
This morning, I had a sharp pain in my chest that dropped me to the ground which really shook me. Luckily, Megan was quick on her feet and got my two baby aspirin. I felt fine after, but I still went to the doctor to see what was up. (Don’t worry, I just had a sharp muscle spasm. Either way, that ish was scary.)
The doctor wanted to do an EKG to find out to see how my heart was doing. Then the nurse looked at my EKG reading and asked me the question every guy loves to hear: “You exercise don’t you?” It was like a movie when the girl asks the meat head “Do you work out?” then they guy flexes his muscles until his bicep turns into objects like ships and stuff like Popeye. It was the most encouraging thing she could say at that moment since I was shirtless with my glorious man boobs and loose-skin exposed for all to see.
What I’m trying to say is that while my body might not be ripped, my insides know the truth. My body knows the miles I’ve ran, the hours of racquetball and the crapton of calories I have avoided. It was the reaffirmed that I am still on the right path even if I did gain this week. It was awesome.
So that’s all I have for tonight. Points and other fun things to come. See ya tomorrow.