Day 857: Back Blogging

Why Hello!

It’s been such a long time!

Here’s what’s been going on with me:






And most importantly…

Being awesome.

While I have been eating a good amount of food, I have been exercising like crazy all this week. I have burned a total of 2,972 calories this week (according to my HRM) which has felt awesome. Now it’s time to get combine the Skinny Rules with torching more than 3,000 calories a week to seriously peel off some weight. Like I said a few posts ago, I’m reading for my clothes not to fit anymore! I want to have my pants fall off! (I know what I said…) It’s time for a new outfit and a new me! Time to get crackin’!

(Anyone watching Biggest Loser right now? Did you see Joe doing bleachers at Doak? I really need to meet this guy!)
(Also, did you notice how many times Jillian dropped the F bomb at Jeff? That was intense. Don’t piss off the Jillian.)

Anyway, so I’ve had my splurging fun, but now I’m ready to get buckle down for the next two week BECAUSE I’M RUNNING THE FREAKIN’ TALLAHASSEE HALF MARATHON THE SUNDAY AFTER NEXT!!!!! It still hasn’t really set in that that’s actually going to happen on Sunday February 3rd! (Come cheer Erin, Megan and me on! It starts at FSU and ends at FSU. If you want more details let me know!) I’ve been training so much for it that’s it’s like I’ve forgotten that it’s for a race! So that’s all the more reason to drop some weight this week and next week, to have less of a stress on my body. Every little counts.

So let’s talk about food shall we?

Breakfast: Egg breakfast sandwich. YERM!!!!!!
Photo Jan 21, 1 15 31 PMPhoto Jan 21, 1 47 47 PMLunch: For lunch, we went over to our friend Julie’s apartment for some chicken n’ dumpling awesomeness! Our friends Tony and Tara brought some delicious acre peas and these cupcakes made with applesauce instead of oil. Hooray for healthy swaps! Overall, it was a pretty fantastic meal with even more fantastic friends!




Photo Jan 21, 8 38 01 PMDinner: I grilled some salmon with some grilled zucchini. There are no photos of the zukes because they are better right off the grill. Have I mentioned we love salmon?

So that’s all I got for tonight.


Couple things:

Updated my Runs I’ve Done page so check that out!

Also, read the reblogged post from earlier today. It is one of the best weight loss posts I’ve ever read. It truly hit home for me.

Weigh in Tuesday. Stoked to see how it goes.

See ya tomorrow.

ONE MORE THING! Facebook has unliked some of my FFK Facebook Page likes. Be sure you are up to date with all things FFK by Liking the FFK FB Page right now! Okay…that is all.

Day 844: First Weigh In On Skinny Rules!

Timon and Pumbaa make eating insects sound so appealing. Or is that just me?

Hello everybody!

So today, it was time to get on the scale and see if my hard work had paid off. By that I don’t mean “I hope this hippy-dippy eating is worth it” but more of “I pushed it hard on the bike and one my runs. I’ve torched my share of calories this week.” Well boys and girls, my hard work paid off! I lost 6 pounds this week! So I am down to 230.2 pounds and have lost a total of 126.8 pounds. I am 52 pounds away from my 2013 goal. Things are going awesome so far! Like I said last night, my birthday is this week so I’m going to do what I can to stay on track because this hard work is totally worth it. Time to keep on keepin’ on!

Breakfast: I had a hard-boiled egg, a handful of strawberries and a piece of toast.

Snack: An apple and string cheese.

Photo Jan 08, 11 32 20 AMAn Oops Moment: So Jimmy John’s brought a sleigh of delicious mini (like a quarter-sized) sandwiches. I accidentally grabbed a Turkey Tom without thinking about it. I ate it in all of its white flower glory and I moved on. It is what it is and I am totally okay with it.







Photo Jan 08, 1 59 16 PMLunch: After my class (which is going to be awesome) I had leftover chili with brown rice. It was even better as leftovers like all good chili batches.








Snack: A banana and some peanut butter from a bag. That I found on the ground.

SAWS: Did a 5k run out at Southwood. It was a rough run, but my time was still decent. I’ll take it. I’m running a crapton on Saturday so that should be interesting.

Photo Jan 08, 8 22 24 PMDinner: I had some delicious leftover salmon and peas. YUUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!

That’s all I got for tonight. Take it easy yo! See ya tomorrow.





Day 753: Jacob is a Jerk Edition

Hello my friend (except that I mean actually mean it).

So today, I did really well with food and I conquered an eating out challenge which has always been an issue for me. Let’s get started shall we?

We weren’t going to be able to run tonight (more about that in a second) so Megan and I decided to run this morning. We went over to Lake Ella around 6:30 and I ran with Megan and her Couch25k run program. It was still dark, but the stars were out and the weather was perfect. It was amazing. We ran two minutes on, one minute walk which was a great recovery run for me after a couple of really brutal runs. I think I might start doing that down the line, especially on the Tuesdays after long Saturday runs. Fun stuff!

Breakfast: I had had a piece of toast before running so by the time I got to work I was starving! I had a honey Fage yogurt and when that wasn’t close to being enough, I ran and got a bagel from the little convenient store by my office.

For lunch, I made a Lean Cuisine the Hungry Girl way: I cooked up a sweet n’ sour chicken LC and then microwaved a steam in bag of broccoli to not only make the meal more filling, but to get more veggies in my diet! It made the meal go a lot further! Give it a try sometime!

For an afternoon snack, I just had an apple and some peanut butter. More than enough to keep me full. I also had some sunflower seeds which aren’t bad, but can be high in sodium.

So tonight, I said adios to one of my great friends from grad school. Jacob has always been a huge supporter of my weight loss journey and is a big fan of the blog (or that’s at least what he tells me…:)) He has accepted a job in Fayetteville, Arkansas and Megan and I couldn’t be happier for him and his awesome wife Emily. It’s been great to have had support from the guys who were there from the beginning, who were there when I arrived to orientation, having just bought my first pair of 54 sized pants hours before. It’s been awesome to have gone through the weight loss journey and the joys of grad school together at the same time. Thanks for being an awesome cheerleader yo!

(Alex and Andrea, when you guys move, I’ll gush over you too.)


So tonight, we had a celebration dinner for him and his wife Emily. We went to a seafood shanty called Calico Jack’s and it was AYCE boiled shrimp! Since shrimp are surprisingly low-cal, I ate my share. Thankfully, fried seafood isn’t really my thing so there’s not temptation there. I did however eat a lot of saltines with cocktail sauce (because that’s one of the most delicious things in the world.) Anyway, so I ate two plates of peel and eat shrimp which isn’t as much as you think and then a side of cole slaw which wasn’t that great (but I still ate anyway…)

So that was it for today. Like I said, pretty good food-wise. Now it’s time to stick with it this weekend. Like I said the other night, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays have been my downfall so far. That’s changing this weekend. See ya tomorrow.


P.S. Now matter what your political leaning is, you have to admit these pictures are hilariously weird. (Personally, I like “Pouty Paul” on the left the most.)

Day 745: First Wordless Wednesday in October

Sick of the debates? Me too. Here’s picture of food I eat and stuff.


Day 743: Catching Up With You!

Hi. How are you?

I know, I know, it’s been a while. Let me show you what I have been doing…

I got these awesome bad boys, (You like?)

This came in the mail from the awesome folks at Weight Watchers,

And I drew this on my whiteboard at work because I need to buy some Halloween decorations for my office.

Now that we got that all figured out, let’s talk. I have been really crummy with my eating lately. I’m just hungry…a lot. I’ve been eating veggies and fruit a lot more, but meaningless carbs seem to rule my life. What’s even worse is that I don’t even feel like I deserve to have a lose tomorrow, I really don’t. This past week has proved to me that you really can’t lose weight without both diet and exercise. Sure I ran 7 miles on Saturday, played racquetball on Wednesday and did some weight training on Sunday, but if the calories aren’t in check, it just doesn’t work. So that’s where I’m at right now. While I did do better today, I still ate a cupcake, two cookies and some candy. The thing is, I used to be able to say no to sweets when I was on my weight loss game, but now I even go out of my way to get candy from a co-worker’s office (let me clarify, I don’t steal their candy, there’s just a communal jack-o-latern.) So with this time of the year coming up, the sweet temptation is going to be there and I need to be better, especially because when I break 200 pounds, I’m going to buy an awesome spin bike so I really won’t have an excuse to work out. No matter what, there will always be an exercise machine waiting to be used in our spare room. Right now, I’m about 28 pounds away, which seems like nothing when I’m on my weight loss game, but an eternity on days like today. Tomorrow is going to be a rough weigh-in, I know it will be, but whatever happens, you will see points of my food. Now I’m ready to start. See ya tomorrow.


Buying New Running Shoes? Here Are Some Things You Need to Know!

I love infographics, especially when it’s from a company that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Thanks REI for making something so awesome!              Are you looking for shoes? Did this help? Let me know!